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Vice President Education

To be part of the Executive team is a great privilege and a wonderful learning experience.
My role this year has been Vice President Education.

I've been having a ball ! I really love this job! It does take more time than most of the executive roles, but that hasn't bothered me, because it involves the things that I most enjoy doing.

Basically the duties of a VPE are:

Attend club officer training day (held in June & February.)
You are not just thrown in the deep end! You'll learn more about your role at the training days in July and February. You will also receive a manual with instructions and ideas. And your the past VPE will always be on hand to offer help when needed.

Attend and vote at District Council meetings and Conferences (or authorise a club member to do so.)
The meetings are usually held at Toastmasters Conferences, which are fun.
If you are not able to attend, there is usually someone from the club who can take a proxy form and vote on your behalf.

Prepare programme for meetings
This takes 1 or 2 hours each fortnight. Some basic computer skills are an advantage. The programmes are emailed to most members, which saves time. A few are posted.

Track members progress
After each meeting, I record the attendance and what role each member has fulfilled at the meeting. Also whether they have won any awards or taken part in any Toastmaster related activities outside our club. All these points are added up at the end of the Toastmaster year. I also refer to these charts when I am preparing the programmes, so that I can allocate the roles fairly.

Initial speaker's Records of Assignments & submit award applications to World Headquarters.
The VPE initials the section at the back of the Speech Manual to verify that the member has presented a speech. And when the 10 speeches have been completed, I submit it to Toastmasters International so that the appropriate award can be sent.

Explain Toastmasters programme to new members
Ideally, this is done before a new member is inducted, but I find it is easier to explain things as they go along. Mentors can also be helpful in guiding the new members.

Assign mentors for new members
When a new member joins the club I assign a mentor for them.

Attend club executive meetings
I find the Executive meetings are enjoyable. We get together, discuss ideas. I love having an input into the running of our club.

This is a role for someone who is interested in the progress of each individual member and is willing to create programmes that will be interesting and help each one to grow.
You will also benefit in your own personal growth, skill, and confidence.

And don't forget – I 'll be there to give any help or advice. As I said, I love this job!

Marlene 2014

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